Food Puzzles for your Dog–Eating the Smart Way. Your Dog Will Thank You!

Blanca eagerly peers over this food puzzle: green interactive feeder
Does your dog still eat out of a bowl? Then this post is for you!
Using a food puzzle for your pup’s meals provides both mental stimulatio! Think: fun ways to alleviate boredom while working your dog’s brain in a healthy manner. And, food puzzles provide information for your dog about their environment: consider this-more intel about thier surroundings helps dogs to feel more secure and confident!

Food puzzles for your dog: snuffle mat, Kong Gyro, Kong Wobbler, Tricky Treat ball, slow feeder, etc.
There is even science behind all of this food puzzle fun. The concept is called, “contra freeloading.” This means that animals will work for food even though identical food can easily be obtained from a nearby dish. This is because dogs (and other animals) are hard-wired to hunt, scavange, and seek out opportunities for food. That is to say that this food puzzle process is more reinforcing than just accessing the food without effort.
Take a look at some food puzzle options in this video–Your dog will thank you for these challenging meal time choices. Food Puzzles for your dog are the way to a happier, healthier meal-time option!