Why Clicker Training with Chickens Helps with Dogs!
I was recently in Sequim, WA at the Legacy Canine Training Center with Terry Ryan where I completed the Chicken Camp: Targeting and Discrimination.
Which, then brings the question: “Why the heck are you working with chickens?” Thus, here are seven simple statements as to how awesome chicken camp is for folks who work with dogs (& people & other animals)! Chicken Camp helps with…
1) fine tuning skills-reinforce early rather than late (esp. important wit new/difficult behaviors)
2) illuminating the idea of not “luring” or “baiting” but rather reinforcing & rewarding successful approximations
6) keeping in mind extraneous/multiple variables when reinforcing & planning training
7) managing time re: content & breaks in order to provide a relaxed & productive training environment
Suffice to say, my Chicken Camp experience has made me a better dog trainer!
(condensed version via Mary Lynch Barbera, PHD, RN, BCBA)