clickerDay THIRTEEN-21 Day Positive Training Kickstart Challenge

Often times people have heard of “clickers” but aren’t really sure what they are. Clickers are a “marker” or a “bridge” between the behavior we like & the reinforcer we deliver.

Sometimes at the start we do something called, “loading the clicker.” This is teaching the animal that the sound of the “click” means good things. As such, we click & then treat. Repeat. Repeat. As the person in charge of the clicker, you want to maintain this valuable communication option. This means that once your animal understands that the click=reinforcement. You MUST reinforce (somehow-pat, praise, food, activity, game, etc.) EACH & EVERY time you click. No exceptions.

How it works. I watch for my dog to do something that I like. For example, I watch for my dog to sit. The SECOND that my dog sits, I click! Then I deliver something the reinforces that behavior-like a small bite of something yummy or a pat on the head.

ACTION: Try it! See if you can wait & watch for your pup to sit. Then being careful with your timing (timing IS important), click the second his/her bottom hits the ground. Then reinforce! Ta-dah! You are clicker training!