Search results: separation anxiety

Separation Anxiety and Suspending Absences

…Does your dog have separation anxiety? Today I’m talking about separation anxiety. A common question that I get is about adjusting schedules while working through protocols. Someone recently asked,…

SEPARATION ANXIETY is so much more than a CRATE and a KONG!

…Living with a dog with Separation Anxiety can be overwhelmingly difficult. Folks may feel like prisoners in their own home and can have costly emotional and physical fallout…

Deaf Dogs Barking: What to do?

…and the next is to determine what the maintaining reinforcer is. Anxiety: Once cause of barking is anxiety. A specific type of anxiety which may be present is separation anxiety….

Does Your Dog Suffer from Separation Anxiety? Take a look at May’s Bark’s from the Guild cover story: PAW’s Terrie Hayward examines Home Alone: The Painful Puzzle

“Have you ever heard people say that your dog is just bored or stubborn or being vindictive because you haven’t invited them along and have left them…


…Living with your pet should be a joyful experience. However, behavior problems like separation anxiety, aggression, and fear cause so much worry and frustration that life together becomes burdensome….


…be separation anxiety, walking on leash, house training, etc. Terrie has been my go-to trainer! The knowledge that Terrie has is endless. There isn’t a question she can’t answer. I…

Remote Dog Training Survival Guide

…Puerto Rico in the Caribbean! I started working remotely with clients when I began consulting on separation anxiety in dogs. Online work lends itself well to separation anxiety cases since…

Courses & Books

…learn all of the dog training methods I use with my own deaf dog. Buy now Online Canine Separation Anxiety Course Enroll now in this self-paced course which will be…


…have you down? Let Terrie rescue you from distress. She’s well-respected by animal behavior professionals for her inspired resourcefulness and deaf dog and separation anxiety expertise. She’ll help you and…

Prospective Client Questionnaire

…To schedule your first separation anxiety session, please let me know the following information: Step 1 of 2 50% Your Details Full Name* Email* Phone Location City State /…

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