Day SEVENTEEN-21 Day Positive Training Kickstart Challenge

Today we’ll be talking logistics. We’ll break down how to actually train a behavior using positive reinforcement & what the whole process looks like.

pup sitThere are two ways to begin when training a dog to “sit.” One is that we can “capture” the behavior & the second is that we can “shape” the behavior.

We’ll discuss capturing it as it is a behavior that dogs often might do & this allows us to catch them doing it.

We will begin by standing near our dog. The moment the dog sits we will use a marker (clicker for our explanation) & then reinforce with a tiny bit (as in pea sized) of something tasty.

Then, take a step back. Your dog will likely follow you & if you just be patient & wait (jumping up earns nothing..just turn & then turn back, but ignore) he will probably sit again. Once more just as he is sitting, click & then treat. Repeat the back up, again, just one or two steps & stand still & wait for your dog to figure it out. Then again, when he sits, be sure to mark & reinforce!

ACTION: Let’s try it! Gather your dog in a safe, quiet, and low distraction area with some tiny (precut) REALLY tasty (in the dog’s opinion, not yours) bits of something yummy & a clicker (you may also use a verbal marker, like “yessss” or “goood!”).

Be patient. Wait for a sit & then mark & reinforce! Back up & see if your dog sits again. Mark & reinforce. Try to do it many times-keep up the great work!