deaf dogDeaf dogs are dogs first, breed second, and deaf third. As such, working with a deaf dog in many ways is similar to effectively communicating with a hearing dog, but with a few obvious modifications. 

  1. SIGNAL: You will want to use a visual “signal” with your deaf dog that conveys the message, “Yes! That’s exactly what I wanted and now you have earned access to something that you find reinforcing!”
  2. ATTENTION: Any time that your dog looks at you, use your signal to mark that behavior and be certain to follow that marker with something that your dog finds reinforcing.
  3. REINFORCE: Every marker is followed by something that your dog finds reinforcing. That is, each and every time you like something, mark and then reinforce it!
  4. CONSISTENCY: Use your marker consistently. Keep the signal the same and be sure that each time you mark, you also reinforce behavior.
  5. VALUE: Be sure that you are using high value reinforcers! You want it to be worth it to your dog to work with you, so keep reinforcers exciting!

For more information on working with your deaf dog, contact PAW today! Terrie is a deaf dog mom as well as a certified, professional trainer and will be happy to help you improve your deaf dog communication starting now!