MiloDay SIX-21 Day Positive Training Kickstart Challenge

A reinforcer is something that the learner finds of value & something that they are willing to “work for.”

The reinforcer is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, if you are looking for something that your dog finds reinforcing, it’s not up to you to decide if it is reinforcing, it is up to your pup.

For example, If I offered you a brand new car if you “sit” for me, you might decide that that new vehicle is a pretty strong reinforcer & you may decide to sit in order to get the car. Whereas if I made the same offer to my dog, Milo, she is unlikely to think that a brand new car is something worth sitting to get. However, if I were to offer Milo big chunk of chicken if she sits, she may find the chicken appealing enough to work for. Again, the learner who needs to work for the reinforcer is the one who decides whether or not it’s worth it!

ACTION: Make a list of 20 things that are reinforcing to your dog. We’ll start you off with some examples. If you think that your dog enjoys them, add them to your list. Remember, reinforcers can be food (like cheese or chicken), environmental (like going for a ride in the car or playing fetch), or social (like a belly rub or hanging out by you while your are working).

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