Successful feeingDay SEVEN-21 Day Positive Training Kickstart Challenge

Could you live a healthy life if you ate nothing but fast food and candy?

Just like people, nutrition for companion animals is important. Lots of times folks have purchased the big bags of commonly marketed commercial dog food without much thought to what ingredients might be inside. Thus, just like humans, the more “junk” our pets consume the more poor performance & health result.

Treats or food used in training is worth considering as well. Often times commercially available “treats” are not very healthy options for your pet. Don’t forget to read labels there as well as there are healthy alternatives, but one must be aware of the ingredients.

Your number one defense agains poor nutrition is to read the labels. As with any food, our pet’s food should list the ingredients. With dogs, you want to be sure that the first (& preferably second & third) ingredient(s) is a meat rather than a filler or corn or “by-product.” As applies to people food, the fewer overall ingredients & the more natural (pronounceable) ingredients, the better!

ACTION: Take a look at your dog’s food. Read the label. If you don’t know what the items are &/or the dog food starts with “corn” or “filler” or “by-product” commit to seeking out a healthier alternative for your pet 🙂

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